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Owl Pine Homestead
(please bear with me while I get the website up.)


Check back soon


My name is Shilo Larsen, and I am

the owner and founder of

Owl Pine Homestead.

I have always had a love of animals and wide open spaces. 

I love the idea of being self sufficient, and enjoy creating things that prevent me from having to buy store bought when possible.  While living at 7000' elevation has its challenges (very short growing season for veggies), it also has its upside - peace and quiet being at the top of the list.


My homestead is a work in progress, and grows and changes all the time, I learn new ways to tackle challenges on a daily basis.


Currently it consists of myself, my 3 little dogs and 11 goats.  Hoping to add a small flock of chickens early summer, and if everything goes according to plan, a small covey of Coturnix quail.


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